CILI Resume Writing Workshop
Are you preparing for your career and trying to figure out the best way to present your current experience to potential employers? In this session with Corporate Internship Leadership Institute Founder and CEO, Perry Sholes, you will gain invaluable resume writing skills.
Join us Monday, September 26th starting at 5:30 pm cst for this virtual session.
After registration you will receive a link to the Zoom session in the confirmation and the day prior to the event. Please ensure that your email is entered correctly so we may contact you.
We look forward to seeing you!
Interested in developing your interview skills? Register for CILI Interview Techniques - Virtual Workshop starting Monday, October 3rd at 5:30 pm cst.
Interview Techniques registration-
a 501(3) non-profit organization
Career Immersion & Leadership Institute3157 Gentilly Blvd Suite # 2184New Orleans, LA 70122